Selasa, 30 November 2021

Dance Team Certificate Template

Dance Team Certificate Template

In this article, we have presented a compilation of Free and Printable Cheerleading certificates that are suitable for coaches who want to encourage their cheerleading team with colorful certificates.

Basic Cheerleading Certificate Ideas

Select the certificate that suits your team's personality. This includes the color theme, fonts, and images.

Write simple but effective words which could touch the soul of your cheerleading team. Because genuine words coming from coach means a lot to a sportsmen.

Each of the cheerleading certificates provided below comes with completely editable word format. You can download and edit the fonts, text and even the look and feel of it.

Free Cheerleading Certificate Templates

Cheerleading is looked upon as sports by many but essentially is a physical activity that you must have noticed umpteen times during IPL matches. It last usually from one to just three minutes and include dance, jump, stunts and many more things. Cheerleaders cheer on teams during sports events. Cheerleaders, in fact, work hard to give it all to their performance and sometimes the event may not be a competitive one. Let us look at the free cheerleading printables for coaches in the below collection.

Cheer Athletic Award Certificate

Cheer Athletic Award Certificate


The template with a baby pink border looks awesome with images of cheer leading girls on both sides of the header to the top and a badge to the bottom with text in black on a contrasting white background.

Cheerleader Award Certificate Template

Cheerleader Award Certificate Templates


The template has a lovely image of a cheerleader to its right while the other side is heavier in terms of text in contrasting green and black. The use of bright colors in the image make it quite attractive.

Cheerleader Certificate

Cheerleader Certificate


The template features an illustration of a cheerleader to its extreme right in monochrome on a white background and a bright red header. The use of blue horizontal lines and circles at the top and the bottom gives it a distinctive look.

Cheerleader Certificate Online

Cheerleader Certificate Online


With two golden badges to the two sides of the bright red header, the template consists of a watermark of a cute school-going girl cheering for her team. The rest of the text in navy blue makes the look a perfect one.

Cheerleader Certificate

Cheerleader Certificates


The cheer leader certificate is quite fanciful with attractive graphics at the bottom and two sides of the text in black. The use of myriad of bright colors like baby pink, yellow, green, blue, and red gives it an eye-pleasant look.

Cheerleader Participation Certificate

Cheerleader Participation Certificate


While at the top lies a pattern of circles of varied sizes in blue, to the bottom, there is a wave like graphics on a pristine white background. The certificate template seems more apt to award a cheerleader of a school team.

Cheerleading Achievement Certificate

Cheerleading Achievement Certificate


The certificate template features a bright blue border and a sky blue border lying adjacent to each other around a white background consisting illustrations of cheerleaders in the bottom-right corner. The use of bright red  to highlight some specific text makes it quite appealing.

Cheerleading Award Certificate

Cheerleading Award Certficate


A large image of a loudspeaker in black, red and white  at the the center -bottom creates a good contrast on a white background that also consists of minimal text and a beautiful border.

Cheerleading Award Online

Cheerleading Award Online


The template has a design layout that consists of two halves. While the left half is all about having text, the right one has an illustration of a teenager girl as a cheerleader on a blue background.

Cheerleading Certificate Template

Cheerleading Certficate Template


The template features a bright yellow border and attractive images of small girls wearing bright red clothes on a white background. The text is as usual in black along with the header in the right-hand side of the images.

Cheerleading Certificate

Cheerleading Certificate


If you are looking for an awesome cheer leading certificate, the above one is the best one undoubtedly with use of excellent graphics to the right side in bright pink, white, blue, and red.  The rest of the template has a blue background on which the bright yellow stood out prominently.

Cheerleading Certificate Award

Cheerleading Certificate Awards


The certificate comes with a border consisting of an intricate pattern around a white background that has an illustration of a cheer leader. The use of pink for the requisite text makes the same distinctive from other ones in our collection.

Cheerleading Certificate Free

Cheerleading Certificate Free


The certificate here has a beautiful border in pink and black combination. The use of subtle colors in the certificate and a clean illustration are the hallmarks of the above certificate template.

Cheerleading Certificate Of Completion

Cheerleading Certificate Of Completion


The template has a monochrome color scheme barring a little portion of the text in its center which is in bright red and blue. The use of amazing font style for the header also appears quite interesting.

Cheerleading Certificate Of Participation

Cheerleading Certificate Of Participation


The best part of the certificate template is a green border around the white background that features text in blue and a header in bright red. The presence of a small loudspeaker to the top-left and a red badge at the center-bottom makes it appealing.

Cheerleading Coach Certificate

Cheerleading Coach Certificate


The template with a black border and attractive graphics at the bottom in bright colors is perfect to use as a cheer leading coaching certificate. The entirely editable template look matchless in our collection.

Cheerleading Participation Award

Cheerleading Participation Award


The certificate is a simple one with no frills. There is a couple of illustrations of cheer leaders in varied poses at the bottom and a bright yellow badge to the top-right.

Free Cheerleading Certificate

Free Cheerleading Certificate


The certificate is an attractive one with images of two kids in colorful outfits to the both sides of the blue text on a white background. There is also a narrow brown border that makes it eye-pleasing.

Funny Cheerleading Certificates

Funny Cheerleading Certificates


The certificate template is a colorful one with use of yellow, green, blue and brown on a white background. There is also a yellow border and a cute illustration.

Online Cheerleading Certificate

Online Cheerleading Certificate


The certificate template is a simple one with a light background having an image of a cheerleader jumping in joy as a watermark and a brown header with rest of the text in contrasting black.

History of cheerleaders

It has its root in the American football. When the first game between different colleges was played in the year 1869, a need of cheerleaders was felt by the Princeton university, which was then competing with theRutgers University in New Jersey. Soon by 1800s, Princeton formed a group of all male cheerleaders. That group of cheerleaders used to infuse energy among participants of their college and the spectators. However, the first group of cheerleaders that can be truly called an organized one was in 1898. The popularity of cheerleaders witness a tremendous growth since then, but it was not before the beginning years of the 20th century that women were allowed to become a part of the cheerleading group. Females were a part of cheerleaders for the first time at the University of Minnesota. However, the number of female participants was much lesser than their male counterparts.It was during the outbreak of the World War II that women start to participate in cheerleading in large numbers as then most of the males were to join the army.

Cheerleaders start including tumbling and acrobatics as a part of cheerleading and cheerleaders of the University of Oregon for the first time use the practice of using flash cards.Cheerleaders start to promote their school, community or university fiercely and gradually it become a marketing tool to attract more crowd. One thing is for sure that cheerleaders learn athletic skills, leadership skills and most importantly teamwork that makes their way easier after passing out of college or school.

Hope you have enjoyed the collection of our free cheerleading printables/certificates. We would appreciate your comment in the below section. Write to us about what you liked and what can be improved, we will try our best to match your expectation.

Dance Team Certificate Template



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